Pagination (TPagination)
VueJs Pagination component with configurable classes and infinite variants. Friendly with utility-first frameworks like TailwindCSS.
Basic example
Property | Type | Default value | Description |
value | Number | null | The current page number (v-model ) of the component |
tagName | String | 'ul' | The tag name that will wrapper the component |
elementTagName | String | 'li' | The tag name that will wrapper every button in the pagination |
disabled | Boolean | false | If set the pagination buttons will be disabled |
perPage | Number | 20 | Number of items that every page represents |
limit | Number | 5 | How many buttons (including the ellipsis if shown) should be rendered |
totalItems | Number | 0 | How many items are in the list |
prevLabel | String | ‹ | Prev button label |
nextLabel | String | › | Next button label |
firstLabel | String | « | First button label |
lastLabel | String | » | Last button label |
ellipsisLabel | String | … | Ellipsis control label |
hideFirstLastControls | Boolean | false | If set will hide the first and last controls |
hidePrevNextControls | Boolean | false | If set will hide the prev and next controls |
hideEllipsis | Boolean | false | If set will hide ellipsis control |
fixedClasses | Object | undefined | The default CSS Fixed classes shared for all variants |
classes | Object | {...} (see below) | The default CSS classes |
variants | Object | undefined | The different variants of classes the component have |
variant | [String, Object] | undefined | The variant that should be used |
Classes and variants format
This component expects an object with classes named after every child element.
The properties in that object are the following:
Property | Description |
wrapper | The tag name that wraps the component |
element | A single page element |
disabledElement | A single page element when component is disabled |
ellipsisElement | The element with the ellipsis |
button | The button |
activeButton | The button when is active |
disabledButton | The butotn when is disabled |
ellipsis | The ellipsis button |
Default classes
wrapper: 'table border-collapse text-center bg-white mx-auto mt-2',
element: 'w-8 h-8 border table-cell',
disabledElement: 'w-8 h-8 border table-cell',
ellipsisElement: 'w-8 h-8 border hidden md:table-cell',
activeButton: 'bg-gray-300 w-full h-full',
disabledButton: 'opacity-25 w-full h-full cursor-not-allowed',
button: 'hover:bg-gray-200 w-full h-full',
ellipsis: '',
Event | Arguments | Description |
input | Number (The current selected page) | Emitted when the page change |
change | Number (The current selected page) | Emitted when the page change |